Monday, April 27, 2009

Tea Party

Why is it always so hard for me to believe another year is gone? We had a wonderful year doing Life of Faith. The girls attended monthly meetings - and they were such meaningful meetings. At each meeting our leader, Karla, helped the girls do a skit from the books, gave a devotional, made an adorable craft and provided a fun snack. Yes, that was a lot, and she did it all. Our last meeting of the year was to have a tea party - and tea we did. There is a little place in Dacula called Blessings Cottage - they provided the fun tea and yummy food. It was a nice memory and conclusion to a some good memories. Thank you Karla and Emma!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Beggar's Blessing - Dance Recital 09

Hard to believe another recital is almost here! Last year my dd was honored to play the lead role, and this year she is in drama with her best friend as the lead role. I am helping with sets and props and it has been very time consuming getting it together - but we are so close to being finished, it is wonderful and exciting. The set pieces are designed to rotate - one side shows a woodcarver's shop, the other is inside the home of the lead character. You can see my dh on top of one of the sections working away. He is so helpful.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A project or two

I thought I was getting better at this, but alas, it was a lie. Walk away from anything that says "project". It really means sit in the basement for years making me feel guilty. I blame it entirely on Tracey for constantly being inspiring and doing all these cool things with tired pieces of furniture. Plus, I have always wanted one of these old Aunt Bea kitchen cupboards. My mom has one full of her pretty green depression glass. I always hoped she'd get tired of it and give it to me, but it doesn't seem to be happening. (And I enjoy seeing it at her house.) So anyway, browsing around Craigslist I saw this . . . I think there are 4 layers of paint on it, and the last one is pretty bad, do you think the camo look was to hide its ugliness? I dunno. I was originally thinking of just sanding it and giving it a new coat of paint, but after examining it closely today, it is going to need a more serious bit of work, stripping. I also bought from the same gal, this boudoir chair - it looks like it has seen better days. I want to paint it white and put some really soft rich silk velvet fabric on it and use it for my vanity chair. Just a little project. Crazy. OK, stupid.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

A sweet little gift

Just had to share the finished product. My dd and Ruth made the little pillow from the quilt top they started at the quilt show. They made a matching blanket. Why are baby things just so sweet? Good job girls! I am sure baby Jack will enjoy them too.

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