Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hullo? Anybody there?

It is becoming apparent that no one is reading this blog - including my sweet dh - because I change the layout almost daily it seems - and nary one comment! People have much more interesting things to do like eat, sleep, work, play or scrapbook as opposed to watching the colors and headers of this blog change. Rightfully so. And seems like most of my family does not like to put their comment on a blog. Understandable. I should be grateful if you read it, not require your time to put in a response to what you read. I could do one of those blog contests - I'll find a wonderful goodie and then draw a winner from the comment section. Or, I could just be content to change the look of this page each week and show it to my ever attentive 10 year old for her sweet "oohh ahhh! that's pretty". How do you spell ooo? Not the ooo as in "yuck" but the ooo as in "nice". You know what I mean. I think a special shopping spree is needed in the near future. Fun!


Anonymous said...

I'm reading! I don't usually leave comments, but I have a list of blogs in my 'favorites' that I check most every day.

I love your blog!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog and your music selection.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone there? Anyone at all?"

Love the new format.


Abi said...

I'm here....looks reallly cute. Great graphics and links. I am quite impressed with my mother! Way to be technologically advanced!!