Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's a party with a gift!

Am I pretty or what? Like I told the magic blog-maker Darcy, I feel like a 5-year-old in a fancy new dress just full of myself - smiling and twirling around feeling so happy! Hey everyone, LOOK AT ME!

OK, to celebrate this pretty feeling I am giving away a pretty. This twinkly little bead fan pull will make you smile when you turn on the light - my dd will draw a number from the comments on this post - one week from today! Let's celebrate!

post signature


Becky said...

Your blog looks great! I love your music, too. This pull is so pretty. If I don't win I want to know where I can get one.

friend of mickey said...

I love your blog (who came up with that name? "Blog" sounds like something that would come with the flu). This is my first ever official blog post. The pictures are beautiful and your grammar is so precise. I am especially partial to the photo of a certain castle... As for your fan tie, the photo looks like a professional advertisement. I wonder who the baby is in the antique photo? As for the cabin, I think you should use a national parks theme. Perhaps if you were to visit Disney's Wilderness Lodge you might get some inspiration .... WAIT!!!! You are going to visit Disney's Wilderness Lodge; however, knowing you as I do, you probably won't be able to wait that long.

Anonymous said...

Never had a "free" subscription to a "daily" magazine before -especially one that puts Martha and Victoria to shame. Love it!Your Pretty is very pretty, Beth. Did you make it? I love the Starbucks theme for the cabin. Have you looked at eBay lately for Starbucks stuff? The class would love to donate their vintage cups, etc. to the cause I am sure.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! How do you come up with all your ideas to post? I check it at least once a week to see what's going on.
I do love the pull--very pretty. Take care and I'll see you soon.

Anonymous said...

I love your boog. I'm very impressed!

In the sisters photo I can't get over how much "C" looks like you.

I love the magnetic blackboard paint idea. Sounds fun!

The fan pull is great. It looks like a Beth original. Would love to have one!

You are an inspiration- your blog makes me want to scrapbook.


Anonymous said...


Love the new format/design, although the header seems to repeat when viewed from my crackberry.


Anonymous said...

I L-O-V-E your blog!!! the blue! the brown! the music! the everything! love it!

from: c

Abi said...

I wanna win........ :)

Here's my comment. Feel special--it's dead week (finals).

Off to finish a 30-page paper. I'm almost to page 20!!! :D