Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A little fun

Looking around Etsy, this pretty thing called my name - and I love it! It weighs nothing on my wrist and it makes me so happy!
My friend, Vivian, called this morning to ask if I wanted to go to a pre-garage sale her friend was having. I AM THERE! This friend was selling her mother's things and she had some beautiful things. She had a vintage typewriter that was begging to come home with me - so I called my mom and sure enough, it will be admired at her house!

I am so excited about the 9 glass-topped Ball jars I brought home, they will be fun to fill in my scrapbooking room! One item that caught my attention was the wood bowl, she said her grandmother made biscuits in that bowl. My great-grandmother had a wooden biscuit bowl too. The one I bought today still has biscuit dough stuck to the sides - talk about things telling stories. The old Big Ben wind-up clock reminded me so strongly of my dad's parents, it became an emotional moment holding it. Now it sits in my guest room - a constant reminder of them. How cool to find a whole box of 1965 Coca-Cola matchbook reproductions - repros that are 43 years old? Fun. It has been a stressful week getting ready for the big recital this coming weekend. What a nice and much needed break!

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